Monday, May 22, 2017

Nunchuck skills.... Computer hacking skills...

This last week was the bees knees :) This may or may not be my last email but i can assure you that it will be the last structured, thought out email because if i get around to writing about the final week it might just be me pounding random combinations of letters in order to go out one last time in Copenhagen before i get on a plane. So coming at you quick, here is some of the highlights:

So our good buddy J* locked himself out of his computer on accident because he is an older guy who has a vast quantity of info stored in his head but unfortunately he could not remember any passwords. This was a pretty big problem because he has food delivered to his house due to his confinement to a wheelchair. All of his info was stored on his desktop and if he couldn't access it he was in for really frustrating ride. On top of that, his phone service was cut for some reason so he was pretty off the grid. Luckily, after consulting the tech master Elder Howe over the phone, we were able to hack his computer for a service project :) haha interesting service project. I guess though when i say "hack" all we really did was figure out how to reset his passwords from the command prompt so it really isnt as cool as id like to make it sound. All that to help him do family history work :) He is doing great though.

So we made a goal at the beginning of this transfer to find a family to teach and we ended finding four! Way awesome :) On Thursday we went to stop by a girl that was a referral that we had called but never had gotten a hold of. We ended up driving a whole hour trying to track this girl down but no one lived at the address... however, as we were driving away we saw three girls around our age walking down the road. Now if anything you'd think id stop to talk to them because they are girls my age but on top of that you'd think by now id stop to talk to them because i felt prompted.... Let me emphasize the principle of acting on promptings! If you feel like you're being prompted, just do it! Because otherwise you'll pull what i did and rationalize that thought away and then drive home kicking myself because now i was saying "what if " instead of "oh well". Elder Ziegler had had the same thought so we knew that it was inspired to talk to them.
Luckily, the Lord took that and used it as a learning experience right away because now we were listening for sure. I received an impression for two people we should stop by now. They were both positive but one was really positive. As i stood on the doorstep i could really feel that this man needed the gospel and we had such a great chat with him. He is a single father of four is really has manned up to life to support them which i really admired as we talked. I'm sure we would have helped that girl in some way (and still can) but i have a feeling we drove 2 hours in total because God needed to make sure we were listening to Him. I would recommend though that you don't take the detour...

Other things:

A whole 2 days before Sunday came around, Sister Jones was asked to play a song on violin and i was to accompany her for sacrament meeting . I practiced (winging it) before soccer on Saturday and then again before church a little bit. I was pretty nervous because i was certain i would totally flop but this is what i wrote in my journal as soon as i sat down: "I got divine help today while accompanying Sister Baird on the piano. Not only didn't sound too bad, it sounded pretty good." I read that this morning and laughed because 1) Heavenly Father cares about the small things and 2) How quick we are to forget or take for granted the small things.

You know... it took some time but yesterday was the first time i really felt like the end was near. Here's why:

My good bud and past mission companion, Jared Amos from Coventry England, came back to visit Denmark and came to church in Roskilde. And i might add, he came back with his fiance who is from Århus :) Because he is tight with the Bishop, he was asked to give a talk in sacrament meeting and I got just slammed with a sense of things how they really are. This was my comp who i had been around for a good 5 months of my life in a foreign land and it felt like just yesterday; yet, here he was with a nice little beard, a fiance, and a slightly more british danish accent speaking about how much he loved his mission and i realized that i would soon take my turn doing the same. Talk about nolstagia blaaeeehhh.

Family and Friends, I know that this is truly the thing that will bring us the most joy: that God has a perfect plan designed for our ultimate and eternal happiness.  Nothing has done more good for my life and my existence, than the opportunity to teach, be taught, love, serve, sacrifice in accordance with this plan for those of God's children here in Denmark. I can say that I have been changed forever and forever and forever and that it is on eternal measures that Heavenly Father gauges our success. To have the the gift of a perfect brother, of a perfect friend, and a hope through our advocate with the Father namely Jesus Christ has brought a joy into my life that continues to fill me with light and hope and joy. Through baptism i have promised to always remember Him and-though it may not be visible on my left breast pocket- always bear his name and therefore represent him!  I have a testimony of these things and I do not speak based off of speculation here people! I know my testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ is true because it was given of God, and i have paid the price to obtain these blessings. 

I will end with the words of Alma the younger: 
Now if this is boasting, even so will I boast; for this is my life and my light, my joy and my salvation, and my redemption from everlasting wo. Yea, blessed is the name of my God, who has been mindful of this people, who are a branch of the tree of Israel, and has been lost from its body in a strange land; yea, I say, blessed be the name of my God, who has been mindful of us, wanderers in a strange land...Now my brethren, we see that God is mindful of every people, whatsoever land they may be in; yea, he numbereth his people, and his bowels of mercy are over all the earth. Now this is my joy, and my great thanksgiving; yea, and I will give thanks unto my God forever...  Therefore, let us glory, yea, we will glory in the Lord; yea, we will rejoice, for our joy is full; yea, we will praise our God forever. Behold, who can glory too much in the Lord? Yea, who can say too much of his great power, and of his mercy, and of his long-suffering towards the children of men?"
" Behold, I say unto you, I cannot say the smallest part which I feel."
--Ældste  j

Basic Danish mission pics.

Rapeseed Plants

Where's Waldo

Trying to take nice pics on request of mom... took a while haha

Nykøbing Sjælland Pics

I'm a dead mon...​​​​

                                 The Stockholm family

​​Jared the member!
The final District Pics​​

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